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Tuesday, March 20


Wanted to share part of an email I received from Live365 that I found interesting:

"The 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) came to a close after four days of highlighting the latest technology and the newest gadgets. Once again, internet radio was a focal point for many products.

Integration in Automobiles and TVs:

Internet radio is ready to make the leap into more televisions and cars in the near future. CES showcased numerous internet radio enabled products, including radio receivers for automobiles, and internet-ready televisions. Live365 has partnered with Livio and Harman to make access to Live365 in automobiles that much easier.

Roku Integration:

One device that's already bringing Live365 into millions of homes is the Roku. The Roku team was on hand at CES to talk about the growth the company has seen with the integration of internet radio in their devices. More than 50,000 Roku users have already downloaded the Live365 channel since it went live in September 2011, and more Roku users are discovering Live365 each day. The company expects to continue developing new hardware to make Roku and Live365 more accessible to users everywhere.

With more and more electronics integrating internet radio, it's evident that this medium is growing at a tremendous rate. Live365 is committed to providing our broadcasters with distribution across multiple platforms. Stay tuned as we continue to bring the world of electronics and broadcasting together. "

I am really looking forward to KJRW becoming more accessible!

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