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Friday, June 22


Summer is here and the time is right for NEW WAVE SUMMER.  We are about 12 hours away from launching New Wave Summer on KJRW as we sit here typing this.  By the time you read this, it may have already begun.  You will hear Joy Division, Depeche Mode, The Cure, Tears for Fears, and many other New Wave bands all summer long on KJRW.  

New wave is a genre of rock music popular in the late 1970s and the 1980s with ties to mid-1970s punk rock. New wave moved away from blues and rock and roll sounds to create rock music (early new wave) or pop music (later) that incorporated disco, mod, and electronic music.  - Wikipedia

Taking its name from the French New Wave cinema of the late 1950s, this catchall classification was defined in opposition to punk (which was generally more raw, rough edged, and political) and to mainstream “corporate” rock (which many new wave upstarts considered complacent and creatively stagnant). - Britannica

During the late '70s and early '80s, New Wave was a catch-all term for the music that directly followed punk rock; often, the term encompassed punk itself, as well. - AllMusic

No matter your definition, get ready for a fun summer with KJRW.

Listening time is up 20% in June.  That places us at 75% of our goal to stay online at the end of October.  Thanks for listening to KJRW!

Monday, June 4


Almost 400 of you clicked the play button on KJRW over 800 times and listened for over 2 thousand hours during the month of May.  That puts us over halfway to our ultimate listening goal we need to reach by the end of October to stay online.  Listening time increased 17% from April to May.

Sadly, that percentage dropped in the past week by 8% due to technical difficulties with Radionomy.  Several of their streams have only played sporadically since the Friday before Memorial Weekend, including ours. There has been no reply to our inquiry for a solution.  We're back on today.

New Wave Summer begins in a couple of weeks.  KJRW will showcase artists such as:  Joy Division, Duran Duran, Blondie, Devo, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Talking Heads, and more all summer long.

As always, we take your requests at or on our Facebook Page.  You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks for listening in the U.S., Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Sweden, Austria, U.K., Ecuador, Morocco, and Thailand.