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Friday, March 4

WHAT'S GOING ON (in the beginning of March)

March has come in like a lion, with a bunch of technical difficulties from Radionomy.  Songs were repeated over and over and there was dead air for many hours.  It was as frustrating for us as it was to you, we are sure.  It seems that we are back on course now. (We hope!)

KJRW's first month on Radionomy went pretty well.  We uploaded close to 7 hundred songs by over a hundred  different artists.  Our audience grew steadily through February, as we lingered Under the Covers.  Close to a thousand streams were launched.  People spent almost 12 hundred hours listening in:

  1. U.S.A.
  2. Canada
  3. Sweden
  4. France
  5. Brazil
  6. U.K.
  7. Japan
  8. Mexico
  9. Italy
  10. Serbia

Help us reach our goal of adding 10 more hours of listening per day by the end of March.  Share the station on Facebook and Twitter.  Or do it the old fashioned way and talk to to a friend about KJRW.  If you enjoy it, they may also.

Listen for Green Day every hour on St. Patrick's Day!
And stay tuned to learn how you could win cold, hard cash from KJRW...

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