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Tuesday, October 4

WHAT'S GOING ON (at the beginning of October)

There are only a few days left until Radionomy decides the fate of KJRW.  And we're so close to fulfilling their listening time requirement.  Currently, we sit at 97%.  That is amazing, considering we only had 22% during the month of August. September was spectacular with 2,565 more listening hours than in the previous month.

KJRW listeners live on almost every continent.  Most are in the U.S., France, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Macedonia, Poland, U.K. and Spain.  You are all pulling together to keep KJRW online, and we love you for it.

The day of reckoning is the 8th.  Help us get that remaining 3% of listening time.


  1. I have been feeling much more energized and happy, this past week - I have also been listening to KJRW more this week. Coincidence?
